Design Principles - Final Compilation & Reflection

Week 1 (10/01/2023) - Week 7 (24/02/2023) 

Joey Lok Wai San (0350857)

Bachelor of Design in Creative Media 

Design Principles: Final Compilation and Reflection

Blog Links

Exercise 1 - Contrast

Fig 1.1: “Life or Fur” 

Exercise 2 - Gestalt's Theory - Principle of Closure

Fig 1.2: “Parentless Childhood” 

Project 1: Self-Portrait

Fig 1.3: “The Three Faces” 

Final Project: Visual Analysis

Fig 1.4: “The Child Bride” 


Wow, what a semester! It’s been a crazy seven weeks (terribly short, I know) and I don't even know where to begin. 

What have I learned in this module? 

I guess I can start here. I have learned so much from this module. Forget Art and Design IGCSEs in high school, which did not teach me a thing. The ‘Design Principles’ module really went back to the basics of every design. I learned a lot about the principles of design and their functions, and how to utilize them effectively in my own works. The way each element is arranged and used can make a design piece look considerably better.

I learned a significant amount in the ‘Final Project: Visual Analysis’ assignment. It is one thing to understand design theory, but it is a whole other thing to communicate the purpose of a design. Designers do not create random compositions based on the aesthetic looks of a design. It is more of the positioning of things, and more crucially, using the appropriate design principles that will ultimately transform a piece of art into a masterpiece. Every element, whether it is a line, shape, object, or design principle has a purpose. Yes, creating a good design is crucial, but what takes it to the next level is the ability to convey the reason why the design is created a certain way.

What did I enjoy the most? 

I loved the amount of freedom we were given. We got to choose our own theme, as opposed to having one decided for us. We could create whatever we wanted and as long as it fits the requirements, anything was possible. It is such a great way for us students to express ourselves in various manners. It was such a joy to illustrate anything I desired without the restrictions and limitations that were always there in every design class I had before.

Another enjoyable part of this module was Dr. Charles himself. This has to be one of the safest and most comfortable learning environments I have been in because of how accepting and understanding he is. Everyone I knew always felt comfortable being themselves in his class. Dr. Charles is such an open and caring lecturer, and super chill and fun to converse with as well. We could always reach out to him, and receive very valuable feedback whenever we showed him our work. He is just a great person in general, and any student is lucky to have him as their lecturer.

What have I learnt about myself through this module? 

This module has really opened my eyes to how much of a procrastinator and indecisive person I am. It has also taught me to not leave projects to the last minute. In the ‘Exercises’ and ‘Self-portrait’ projects, I spent over a week each deciding which idea I liked better. By the final project, I learned to not waste time on creating new ideas that would somehow be ‘better’ than the previous ones. I learned to explore a few ideas (and not create ten different sketches) and dive head-first into the first idea that came to mind. I now realize that while experimentation and brainstorming are indeed valuable, it is not always the best idea to spend days on them. 

What could be improved in this module? 

“It’s difficult to find flaws in something this perfect” - said no one ever.

I loved this module much more than any others I have taken this semester and during my foundation year at Taylors. With that being said, there could still be some improvements. I understand that this is a short semester, but seven weeks is not really enough time to come up with 3 to 4 design works, and a blog. This is especially true during the Chinese New Year holiday when we had just completed one assignment, and immediately started the next without a break. Sure, some parts can be blamed on my procrastination… but we need to take into account that there are other modules and assignments too. Actually ignore all that, three assignments is a reasonable amount of assignments for a short semester. 

Another thing I have a bone to pick with is BLOGSPOT IS SO DARN DIFFICULT TO USE. The interface is not the best and even deleted all my work once :( I had to rewrite everything but it’s all good I managed to get submitted done on time. Other than that, there really isn’t anything that needs improving in this module. No matter how much I try to think of any other negative thing to say, there really isn’t any.

Final words

OVERALL, A FANTASTIC MODULE. This module has proved to be my favorite of all - and it’s only the first semester! I came to this module expecting it to be boring and just another class, but it was so much more. It challenged me, taught me valuable lessons about design and about myself, inspired me, and so much more. This is such an informative module with amazing lecturers that created a comfortable and engaging learning atmosphere. My only wish is that this module should have been in the long semester, I would’ve loved to spend more time with this module! Either way, I am very thankful for all the lessons it has taught me that I have no doubt will come in handy in the future. 

To all future students, especially to those who get Dr. Charles as their lecturer, PLEASE appreciate this module. Don’t take it for granted, it is one of the best classes you’ll have :)
